Regular Sunday Services Prayer Schedule sunday mehr town
Timing: 8:00 AM 10:00AM
Bible Study Group: Every Saturday at 11:00 AM-12 AM
Order of Worship & Prayer meeting
Welcome and Announcement
Opening Prayer
Call for Worship
Sermon / Bible reading
Closing Prayer
Please come and join us to experience the presence and love result day and Christmas 2011 103 of Jesus Christ.
On every Sunday morning we have regular Worship service in the school building because we do not have sanctuary for worship service yet, but we are praying that may God provide Sanctuary so we have enough room for everyone to come and worship Him. We have over 80 members who come to church every Sunday faithfully to praise and worship God. We also have youth group who is lead by Babar Samuel. He visits families to do the evangelical work especially in Mahar Town. Many people have accepted God and became the result day and Christmas 2011 099 New born Christian. Pastor Ernest as a Senior Pastor deals 348-Optimized all the Church works e.g. Marriage ceremonies (Nikah) our Church is registered with the Government , So we give registered certificates of marriage, Death, birth and etc. We feel oblige to serve our community in a better way.
Appeal: We do not have our Church Building in Mahar Town, We do Prayer in School classes/rooms which is congested space. We urge you to help us to build our Church Building.
Church gathering in Mahar Town