
Who we are?

Kingdom of Heaven Ministries is a Society registered with the Government of Pakistan since 2006 and as a Corporation in Texas U.S.A Feb.2013..Kingdom of Heaven Ministries is a vibrant and diverse Christian community, where people live and learn together as they seek to grow as disciples and serve God with their lives. KOHM Members are from different places, with different callings, different churches, and yet are united by a love for God and His people. It is a unique learning environment where study, discipleship, personal transformation and practical application go hand in hand.

High School students study the Punjab Education Board curriculum and take Government recognized exams that prepare them for higher studies. The school will be fully registered and affiliated with the Education Board as soon as we can upgrade our rented premises to meet Government standards.

At KHSS we have students from across the globe, and every Christian denomination. Learning and training takes place in the context of a rich, diverse community, allowing you to share every aspect of life together. Community living is invaluable preparation for serving God in a diverse world.

As a High School, we recognize that having more knowledge about God is not an end in itself. Rather this increased knowledge should lead to personal growth and transformation, resulting in a greater love for God and His world.

Study is at the heart of KHSS- we are wholly committed to the Bible as God’s Word, and the Gospel it declares. Our desire for our students is that they would understand God’s Word more deeply, in order that they may apply it more lovingly and powerfully in today’s world.

We believe the Christian servant should care about professional competence, regardless of the context in which they will eventually work and minister. We are a practical training school, where your ministry skills will be honored and tested.

Our Vision :

The Kingdom of Heaven High School opened its doors in 2002 in the Meher Town Christian slum east of Lahore city. It provided a future and a hope for a community of several hundred poor Christian families with no other access to education. Many thousands of Pakistani Christians are destined to live their lives as illiterate laborers, domestic servants of the rich and sweepers in homes and offices. There is no dignity for Christians and no hope of a better future. The KOHM High School has changed the horizon for a community, offering the possibility of a life of dignity and respect.

Our Mission:

  • To make disciples of all nations and to baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. (Mathew 28:19)
  • To create a spiritual family where everyone is loved and accepted. (Ephesians I:6)
  • To provide a platform where everyone talents, gifts and abilities are utilized.(1 Peter 4:10)
  • To train and raise leaders for the Body of Christ.(2 Timothy 2:2)
  • To provide free education for the poor, orphans and deserving children